If you’re ready to provide amazing digital menus and easy-to-use QR codes for your customers, you’re ready for BiteFlip. We’re the best thing out there when it comes to online menus, QR codes, and even video menus your customers will really love. You don’t have to host a menu on your site, or provide a lot of fancy graphics to get your customers interested.
All you need to do is put your menu on the right site, where it can easily be found and loved by everyone who’s looking for some great food in your local area. Putting your menu on BiteFlip and creating a QR code for it goes a long way toward bringing in more customers than you have room for. You can get started today!
BiteFlip? Never Heard of You!
Maybe you haven’t heard of us (yet), but we’re on our way to making a big name for ourselves. You can be part of it, and so can your customers. Your restaurant deserves the best opportunity to shine, and to bring people through your doors. Our online food menu builders can do all that and more. With menu creation optimization and the ability to QR code generate menu information that your customers can easily use, you’ll be on your way to higher levels of success — all from our great site.
What Can I Do With Your Site?
As a restaurant owner or manager, you can log in as a Restaurant User and see all the tools we offer. Among your options will be creating a QR code and linking it to your BiteFlip menu. Online food menu builders are becoming highly popular options today, and since you’ll be getting a lot of online orders during the pandemic and beyond, you want to make it easier for the people who want your food to get your food — without any stress, hassle, or guesswork.
Speaking of those things, you don’t want them either. There’s enough stress in operating a restaurant, that we thought at least one part of it should be easy! BiteFlip is your internet home for digital coupons, digital menus, and QR codes. With the food menu QR codes generators you need to quickly and efficiently help you create a quality experience for your customers, you can be on your way to bringing more people through your front doors and to your site for ordering. And get ready for your phone to ring, too.
We offer both digital menus and coupons, and give end users the opportunity to flip menus and coupons via email or from one BiteFlip user to another. Want customers to find you, review you, order from you, and love you? Then you need to be on BiteFlip. It’s where the world’s going to be heading for the food they crave and the new menus they want to explore. Getting in now helps get you established early, so you can have a strong online presence, peace of mind, and a customer base you’ll feel good about.
Why Would I Want a QR-Coded Menu?
The majority of restaurants are moving to the use of QR codes, and that means you don’t want to get left behind. Your competitors are going to get a lot of your business if they’re making it easy for customers and you aren’t. But we can — and want — to help! You don’t need any kind of DIY menu-maker that might not work on every site or device.
All you need is BiteFlip, where you (and your customers) can have everything in one place. You can even get a video on your menu. Now, how cool is that? (Spoiler: It’s very cool, and your customers will think so, too!) Check out BiteFlip today, and see what the right online food menu builder and QR code generator can do for your restaurant. You’ll be glad you did.

Create QR Codes and Stunning Digital Menus.